Welp. Goodbye to my beautiful New Zealand has come rather quickly. I remember very vividly my first days here one year ago and it really does seem like all of that just happened. But no...lots has happened in between that beginning and this ending. I'm leaving a home tomorrow, one I'll never forget. I'm so very grateful and feel beyond blessed for such an incredible year, and while it's always sad to say goodbye, I am looking forward to the next adventure. What may that be, you ask? I've had this question quite a lot as I depart "here" for "there" & my answer is this. I'm not sure yet! It's true. I'm heading back to Minnesota through the Holidays (or longer?) & I have a few things up my sleeve as to what I might take up next. But for now I'm looking forward to seeing my family, heading to Nashville to visit my dear friends and other 'home', and living joyfully in the contentment I have knowing that God will open doors that need to be opened in the next season of la la la life! As I leave tomorrow I am taking with me one of the best years of my life...
Goodbye Wellington. I love ya.