Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Back to the beginning...

I took this photo in Queenstown almost a year ago.

A year!

I've recently been going through the photos I've taken throughout this past year and wow, more than anything it's humbling. I'm so very grateful for so much.

I am so very sad I have to say goodbye.

It's amazing to look back at the photos I took when I first arrived & that I can remember exactly how I was feeling at that point in time. Uncertain what would happen over the year or why (the bigger reason) as to why I was even here, but completely happy & excited. So much has happened in this little life and heart of mine...I had no idea when I took this photo just how amazing the next several months would be. As I sit here, I don't even know how I'm going to be able to articulate it for you. I'll try though {in writing to come} because I want to share.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bigger than small, but smaller than big. Waves: a Surfing tale.

I had my first surfing lesson earlier this week! When I was young we'd spend summer days at the local "Wave Pool"....woooo! Besides lakes, this is the closest thing us landlocked folk have to the sea. Well, here in New Zealand the sea is almost always in one half of your view. The kiwi's enjoy life on a tiny little green gem perched in the middle of the big blue. It's grand, really. Surfing is a way of life around here.

Being that I have just over a month left here, I've naturally stressed a little bit over a few things I haven't yet done but definitely want to before I take off. Surfing is one of these things. I mentioned this to my nice friend Ben & he kindly offered to take me out one morning. We drove to a local surf beach called Titahi Bay, suited up, and headed in. I was a wee bit nervous right off the bat, but after the first test ride it was all fun. I loved it and only wish I would have started earlier! Oh, and it's winter here, so the already cold water is supposed to be extra cold at this time of the year. In all honesty, it didn't feel cold to me at all. Must've been a pretty cozy warm wetsuit!

Things to do... 1. Surf NZ. Check.

My instructor, Ben.

I almost got up a few times, but attribute sore arms from the gym as my biggest hurdle. It was hard to be quick!