I started writing in a journal regularly last summer. I did so after heeding the advice of a songwriter who made the point that songs are inspired by observations, feelings, life...just write and when you look back on the details of your life, you may be able to pair a melody with some parts. So I bought a journal, taught myself how to sit still, and started writing.
This simple, newly formed habit has changed my life.
Really. When I write I am honest with myself, to myself. I write about my hopes, dreams, struggles and defeats, fears, doubts. I also write out prayers & lyrics. Although my incentive was to start working on writing music, I fell in love with the freedom & simplicity of just writing and even if a song never comes from the pages of this journal, I won't regret having started. I don't often write when I'm happy-go-lucky and 'all is well in Rachel's world', though I need to...I'm prompted to write more when I'm either really inspired by something, deeply moved, or when I'm feeling contemplative, indecisive, faithless, or stressed. It seems that writing, for me at least, sorts things out and often leaves me with a better grasp, and certainly more perspective on whatever situation I find myself penning.
Inspired by my friend Allies blog (link can be found to your right @ the top!), I've decided to start writing a few more posts that reflect upon what I'm feeling, learning, understanding, and how I'm growing & changing. Up until now I've mostly shared with you my experience moving to and living in New Zealand. While I will definitely continue posting all about life here and the adventures I find myself in, I really want to share some more personal, candid moments as well. I think as humans we long to be understood, and when we're bold and honest about our lives & can share it with others who are able to relate, there in lies the connection of the human spirit! This is why quotes become quotes, stories become stories, and heros become heros...live, share, inspire.
To kick off this new journal-like blog post mentality...here is a quote posted by another friend that really resonated with me.
Happiness is inward and not outward; therefore it depends on who you are and not what you have.
So True.
I love you all,